OPC UA Web Client Release Notes
Version 0.6.0 Preview (not for production use) April 15, 2019
Re-built with the latest version of the OPC UA SDK from One-Way Automation. Major changes: support for multi-chunk messages and periodic secure channel renewal, as weel as improved stability
Version 0.5.0 Preview (not for production use) Jule 1, 2018
Re-factored to use OPC UA SDK from One-Way Automation (before was using freeopcua) and newer version of the Wt framework (4.0).
Version 0.4.0 Preview (not for production use) April 16, 2016
Added support for login using LinkedIn account.
Version 0.3.0 Preview (not for production use) April 10, 2016
Added support for login using social network accounts (Google and Facebook).
Version 0.2.1 Preview (not for production use) March 5, 2016
Fixed issue of incorrect automatic column width adjustments when content panels are resized.
Version 0.2.0 Preview (not for production use)
New features implemented in this version:
Added support to set configuration settings for OPC UA connection by browsing of Local Discovery Server.
Default OPC UA Session confugration has discovery URL set to the opcuaserver.com, where multiple demo servers are installed.
Version 0.1.0 Preview (not for production use)
Features implemented in this version:
Session management (connection/disconnection to/from OPC UA Servers);
Automatic reconnection
- Browse
- Read node attributes
- Basic logging into in-screen log area
- Saving/Restoring of configuration settings: Sessions, added monitored items are persisted at logoff and restored on login.
- Supported user authentication mode - anonymous
Supported client side devices and browsers - Tested on Windows 10 with Google Chrome 47.0 and Internet Explorer
Note that the development framework is very flexible and future versions will support tablets and smartphones too.
Known issues and limitations (applicable for the latest version):
When login with social network accounts (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn) is used, attempt to login immediately after
logout from the previous session where different account type was used, can fail with authentication error.
Workaroud: refresh web page before next login attempt.
Connections to OPC UA Servers: in this version only non-secure communication modes are supported;
Note that communication between OPC UA Web Client (as a Web Server) and its clients (Web Browsers) is implemented using https, which makes sure that your personal data is protected from unauthorized access by third parties.
- Browse - number of fetched from OPC UA Server nodes is limited to 500 per parent node
- Most settings are not configurable (timeouts, Publishing interval for subscriptions, monitoring parameters etc).
- Monitored Items can be only added
- Write service is not supported
- History Read/Write is not supported
- Method calls are not supported
- Not all data type values are displayed yet in Monitored Items View and in the Attriibutes Panel
- If there is a session with desired state to be connected automatically, but the corresponding UA Server is not available, then deleting of that session or logout can take up to 20 seconds delay.
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